5 Simple Ways to Get Unstuck in Life

Do you ever feel like you are stuck? Recently, I’ve been in a “funk,” and I had to do some analyzing to see what was going on. What I realized is that busyness had taken over, and I had to get my life back in order! Here’s what I learned about myself, and how I was able to hit the re-start button.

It’s summer, and things just change this time of year. With travel, grandchildren who want to play, a long holiday weekend and my commitment to putting family before my work, sometimes I have to let things slide a bit. Otherwise stress consumes joy and the negative ripple effects go far and wide. Bottom line, I gave myself permission to take a break, knowing that no one is sitting around waiting for me to write a blog post or post something on Facebook.

But getting too far off track caused me to lose motivation. My mind became cloudy and I had a hard time focusing. At times, I even thought “I could just give everything up and likely no one would notice!” Wrong. I have been given precious gifts and skills by God, and He intends for me to use them, not sit on them! I got my calendar out, did a little planning and started writing again. My spark was re-ignited, and I looked forward to working consistently again, in due time.

I’ve been exploring a new venture, wondering how to support a new non-profit ministry through coaching and fundraising. My goal was to have a plan in place by July 1st, but once again my brain has been on overload as I tried to see the complete picture of how all this will work out. Instead of stressing out, I gave myself permission once again to take some time to continue researching, seeking wise counsel and praying. Just take one step at a time. God’s got this! If it is His plan, I will succeed.

So what’s in this for you? Life ebbs and flows, and you cannot survive life in overdrive every day. When you are feeling stuck, unmotivated or overwhelmed, take a step back and examine your life.

Above all else, spend time with God and pour your heart out to Him. Ask for clarity and direction, and then listen. I do interactive prayer journaling, recording my “conversations” with Him, and I find that He is always there for me! Believe what we have heard over and over, “cast all your anxiety upon Him, because He cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7

Do you have too much on your plate? Prioritize your to-do lists, and do only the most important things in the next week. Ease up on the pressure to get things done in record time.

Follow Nike®’s lead and “Just Do It!” Complacency breeds low self-worth (see my self-realizations above) and the enemy will be quick to capitalize on your doubt. Don’t just sit there…do something…anything! Just keep moving forward toward that extraordinary destination that God has planned for you, one step at a time. Staying put means you’ll miss out on so many blessings each day.

Give yourself some grace if your personal life has gotten in the way of your career. Your family and other relationships are far more important in the grand scheme of things than working extra hours every day.

Like the old game show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire,” phone a friend for help! We all need a little encouragement from time to time, and having a sacred circle of friends, mentors and a coach will be your source of motivation and inspiration. Share your frustrations and ask for ideas, cheerleading and even a swift “kick in the rear.” Ask them to pray with you because God said “Where two or three have come together in my name, I am there among them.” And His presence will give you fresh energy!

If you are feeling stuck and need a little help getting your wheels going again, let’s talk! I’m here to help you take that next step to get yourself moving.

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