7 Powerful Reasons to Leap Outside Your Comfort Zone

Summer has arrived, and I hope you are taking time to unplug, refresh and do a little dreaming about your future. After all, half the year is already behind you!  But with all that dreaming and planning comes taking action, and taking action means stepping outside your comfort zone.  Not just a baby step, but a giant leap toward the unknown, with the confidence that you are on the path to becoming the amazing woman God created you to be. Unfortunately, I’ve worked with far too many women who have let fear of the unknown keep them from experiencing a more meaningful life. They’d rather stay where it is comfortable, settling for mediocrity because of their “what ifs” and “yes, buts.”

A richer, more purpose-filled life begins at the end of your comfort zone. Here’s why.

Breaking out of your comfort zone helps you slay your fears. Instead of giving in to imagined failures, you become more confident and bold.

Stepping outside your comfort zone exposes you to new experiences and opportunities, sparking your creativity and increasing your knowledge, which in turn lengthens your life.

You’ll find greater energy, self-fulfillment and meaning in life as you explore the world with great expectations of what lies ahead.

An eagerness to dream bigger dreams, not merely settling, sets you apart from the crowd, and you will inspire those around you to do the same.

Allowing yourself to try new things will prove that you don’t need to be perfect, just passionate about life.

Continually moving forward brings greater success and happiness as you achieve your God-given potential.

You will reach the end of your days with no regrets.

Are you ready to take a big step out of your comfort zone? I’m here to help! Click here to get started today!

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