Finding Delight In The Seasons

I think we can all agree that the month of February was a discouraging combination of harsh winds, bitter cold and one storm after another. In general, I’m a happy, enthusiastic person, but on many days I found myself feeling blue. Life is too short to feel like this, but I couldn’t figure out a way to find delight during such bleak days. 

I then had a little conversation with Mother Nature.  Here is what she said:

“Donna, I know you are angry at me and this emotion is making you misinterpret my actions. You have to wake up each day and stay hungry for life and try new things despite not liking the forecast.

“You are choosing sadness over delight. Why can’t you see the beauty of the snow on the branches? The sound of your neighbor shoveling your walkway? Why are you allowing yourself to focus only on things like the unplowed streets? I would like nothing more than to have you see all the beauty around you. I hope you can see that anger is merely a roadblock from living.   

“You need to learn to live in harmony with all the seasons. I am sorry the winds sometimes sting. I wish I could give you a soothing breeze every day, but a mother’s true job is to teach lessons. You would not appreciate if everything came easy. Open your eyes and see the beauty God has given you.”

And yes, more storms will be greeting us in March, according to the latest forecast. This isn’t my favorite time of year, but Mother Nature is correct. I must accept the storms in life and find a way to keep dancing through them.

I learned a big lesson. I thought love was the feeling I had on sunny, happy days, but it’s easy to feel that way when everything is warm and cozy. Now I appreciate the many warm embraces during this stormy season.

I no longer focus on what I miss about sunny days of the past. Instead, I’m going to try my best to march forward with Mother Nature and my angels guiding me. I am not sure how long the current storm will remain or what damage it will have on the roof or my foundation, but I do know I can’t allow it to knock the house down. 

I now close this piece sitting in my heavy sweater with warm  socks on my feet, my dog snoring on the couch next to me and the sound of the  tapping of my keyboard as I follow my passion on this cold winter day. It is taking a while I will admit and some days are harder than others but I am thankful I am getting closer at finding the true meaning of delight despite the storms. 

Spring is right around the corner, and I am sure different storms heading my way. But April showers bring May flowers. Each season of life has its storms.  We can find delight in all of them.   

Donna Ryan is the editor of the blog 50plusstickingtogether. To read Donna's blog, click here




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