Moving My Feet

Part of being optimistic is keeping one's head pointed toward the sun, one's feet moving forward."

A Facebook friend recommended a workout fitness tracking bracelet called fit-bit.  I received mine for Christmas, and I LOVE it!! I think the quote above should be their slogan, or at least I made it mine while I am working out. 

I’ve been wearing the bracelet the entire day, and each evening I hook it up to my computer. With a click of a few buttons, I can see my entire fit lifestyle report. I always thought I worked out as hard as I could until I saw my endurance levels were only moderate. The same was true with what I felt was healthy eating. The report, based on what I’ve “told” the fit-bit, includes, fats, proteins and other food culprits. When I saw my sodium totals I nearly fainted. 

It was time to change my routine, and these feet needed to work a lot harder!

In the past I hated anything related to change and felt happy and safe with my feet planted just where they were. For me, trying to fight the changes in life did nothing but cause sadness and frustration. Nothing stays the same, so stop trying to avoid it, I finally told myself. It took a lot of days, work and steps, but once I let the past go it opened doors for peace.

The first days wearing my bracelet were just as difficult as removing the fear of change in the past. I worked out so hard and felt so exhausted and finally checked the report to see I walked only 6,000 steps.  I was so ANGRY!!!!!  Each day I worked a little harder and slowly began seeing the happy faces on the chart as my steps and endurance increased.  Last week I hit 15,000 steps and I never left the house.  I accomplished it simply by walking the steps and vacuuming. Even cleaning the bathroom counted. The report sends congratulation emails and lights go off when I have reached certain goals. It pats me on the back for work well done. And now, it’s time to get to the next level.

The journey our feet have to walk is not always an easy one, and no one knows the path of others’ journeys or future roads. There are roadblocks and detours and we are not always going to like some of the reports we receive. When I was younger I had time to dream of life 20 years from now. I now don't have the time to dream, and it is time to take what I am seeing in front of me more seriously. I have seen a lot of sorrow and joy and learned through both the endings of chapters are not always pleasant.  Now that my parents are both gone, I am the next generation to leave. I can cry over this or I can embrace each day of the rest of my journey.  It is time for me to no longer sacrifice for others but get my feet moving in the direction of security for my elder years, and my goal is doing it in the healthiest and happiest way I can each day.

To quote Albert Einstein, "Life is like riding a bicycle; to keep balanced you must keep moving.”

I do not fear the next 20 years, because I know my feet will go in the direction they are supposed to. The first quarter of 2014 is almost done, and that’s another reminder to me that time flies by. But I must keep my feet moving in a positive path.

I won’t lie – every once in a while I do put my feet up and rest. I – and the fit-bit battery – need recharging. But once it’s recharged I get going. And I’m going all the way!

Donna Ryan writes the blog



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