
The Foods of Love


By Eve MarxAphrodisiacs are aromatic foods, recipes and potions believed to be sexual and sensual enhancers found in nature. Many of these potent love tools and libido lifters have been in use for centuries. There are dozens of known aphrodisiacs in the world. Is it time for you to learn about some of them?Essential oils that do more than smooth


Restarting Your Sex Life


Normal aging brings physical changes in both men and women. These changes sometimes affect the ability to have and enjoy sex. A woman may notice changes in her vagina. As a woman ages, her vagina can shorten and narrow. Her vaginal walls can become thinner and also a little stiffer. Most women will have less vaginal lubrication. These changes could affect sexual function and/or pleasure.


Tips to Spring Clean Your Relationship

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Winter weather is behind us and the signs of spring are everywhere: temperatures rising, buds budding, birds chirping, and bees buzzing. Now’s the time to spring-clean our homes—and also our relationships.

Alzheimer's Disease and other Dementias

What Happens to Your Sex Life When Your Partner Develops Dementia?


By Douglas Wornell MD What happens with sex in an established relationship -- perhaps one that’s been going on for decades -- when dementia enters the picture? At first glance, one might guess that the couple is likely older and sex isn’t happening anyway. Secondly, many may feel that the dementia will only push the couple further apart and therefore extinguish what glimmer of sexual activity was happening.


7 Libido-Boosting Foods

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When it comes to getting in the mood, there's more at play than just Victoria's Secret and Viagra. Sex experts say one of the most important keys to having a healthy sex drive is the right diet. A balanced diet will not only help you look better and feel more confident, but will deliver key nutrients to keep your libido high. A poor diet could be causing you toxicity, inflammation, and sluggishness, none of which will help stir your passion.

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