Getting into Exercise Again

Flu? Out-of-town guests? The experts at Go4Life, a division of the National Institutes on Aging, know that while many things can interrupt your physical activity routine, you can start again and be successful. Here are a few of their helpful ideas:

Don’t be too hard on yourself. Just try to get back to your activities as soon as possible.

Think about the reasons you started exercising and how much you’ve already accomplished.

Start again at a comfortable level, and gradually build back up.

Try an activity you’ve never done before.

Believe in yourself!

Sometimes the reason you stop exercising is temporary, and at other times it’s permanent. Here are some ways to manage these breaks.

Temporary Interruptions

When you’re on vacation, get out and see the sights on foot or visit the hotel fitness center.

Caring for an ill spouse can understandably change or even eliminate your exercise routine. Ask a friend to help out for a while so you can go for a walk.

Permanent Interruptions

If your exercise buddy moves away, sign up for an exercise class at the senior center. This is a great way to meet other active people.

Hip surgery can affect the types of exercise that you do. Talk to your doctor about the best activities for you.

Quick Tip

Be flexible and creative. Be willing to change hours or routines if that will help you get back to your workout. Look for opportunities to exercise. If your grandchildren come for a visit, reschedule your exercise for their nap time, or better yet, take them with you on a walk.

For more about senior fitness from Go4Life, click here.

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