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Aging Well
Beauty & Style

6 Anti-Aging Secrets From Beautiful Women Around the World

It doesn’t matter where we come from or how much money we have, most aging women everywhere share one common goal: to feel and look younger. And the beautiful thing about it is that the world is filled with anti-aging secrets, because each culture has their own unique tricks, tips, and successful home remedies to look younger, no matter how old you are. Here are some of the best anti-aging secrets that have been handed down from generation to generation around the globe.

Anti-Aging Secret #1: China

I’m sure you’ve all heard that drinking white and green tea has anti-aging benefits for your health, because they’re high in antioxidants; but tea isn’t just for drinking. The Chinese have been using this anti-aging secret for centuries to help improve the visible appearance of skin. Mix green tea powder with brewed white tea to create a paste that works wonders as a hydrating anti-aging facial mask. Applying this on your face will help you fight wrinkles and give you a boost of antioxidants to fight skin-damaging free radicals.

Anti-Aging Secret #2: Poland

Your hair naturally gets thinner and more prone to breakage as you get older. But in Poland, they’ve found an anti-aging secret to help strengthen hair. Make a hair mask using the yolk of an egg along with a few drops of olive oil and lemon juice. Leave it in for 15 minutes before rinsing it out thoroughly. Egg yolks are high in several vitamins and nutrients that condition your hair, which will lead to less breakage.

Anti-Aging Secret #3: Finland

People in Finland rely on saunas to stay healthy and look younger. Not only is a sauna a great anti-aging secret to help soothe sore joints and body aches, but they also promote sweating, which helps to flush your body of toxins and harmful impurities. Sweating is also like a deep cleanse for your skin. In Finland, they sometimes apply salt or honey on their skin before going into the sauna to provide extra exfoliation.

Anti-Aging Secret #4: Dominican Republic

Dominican women have found the anti-aging secret to strengthen nails that get brittle over time. Add crushed garlic to a bottle of clear nail polish and let it sit for seven to 10 days. Then apply it on your nail bed. It may smell a little at first, but the odor will fade and you’ll be left with strong, healthy nails.

Anti-Aging Secret #5: Brazil

Looking for an anti-aging secret to rejuvenate your skin? Brazilian women just head to their kitchen. Create a paste by mixing oatmeal and milk. Spread it all over your face and relax for about an hour. Then wash your face with warm water, followed by your regular beauty routine, and this anti-aging secret with leave your skin looking and feeling completely rejuvenated.

Anti-Aging Secret #6: Costa Rica

Here’s an anti-aging secret to temporarily shrink your pores, making skin appear firmer and more toned. Mix equal parts water and freshly-squeezed juice from an orange or lemon. Dip a cotton ball into the mixture and smooth it all over your face. Let it sit for three to five minutes and then rinse it off. The citrus fruits contain natural enzymes that work as an astringent to tighten pores.

This article originally appeared on Agein.com 

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