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90 Percent of Senior Drivers Don't Make Vehicle Modifications That Could Increase Safety

Almost 90 percent of older drivers don’t make vehicle safety modifications that could lower their risk of accidents or death, according to research from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety.

The vehicle modifications include pedal extensions, seat cushions and steering wheel covers.

Taking these steps is crucial because seniors aged 65 and over are more than twice as likely as younger drivers to be killed when involved in a crash. And not only do the safety modifications reduce risk, they also extend the time a person can continue to drive.

“While many seniors are considered to be safe drivers, they are also the most vulnerable,” said Dr. David Yang, executive director of the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety. “Our research suggests that most senior drivers are not taking advantage of simple and inexpensive features like steering wheel covers that can greatly improve their safety and the safety of others on the road.”

The research brief, In-Vehicle Technologies, Vehicle Adaptations, and Older Drivers: Use, Learning, and Perceptions is the first phase in the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety’s groundbreaking Longitudinal Research on Aging Drivers (LongROAD) project. Researchers are currently engaged in generating the largest and most comprehensive senior driver database in existence. This critical information will support in-depth research to better understand the risks and transportation needs of the aging population.

For this phase of the study, researchers investigated 12 vehicle adaptations and found that fewer than nine percent of senior drivers reported using any of the devices in their vehicles. Some of the inexpensive devices that can be purchased and used in new or existing vehicles are:

  • Cushions and seat pads: Improves line of sight and can help alleviate back or hip pain.
  • Convex/ multifaceted mirrors: Improves visibility and minimizes blind spots.
  • Pedal extension: Helps drivers obtain a safe distance from the steering wheel/airbag and optimize visibility.
  • Steering wheel covers: Improves grip for drivers with arthritic hand joints.
  • Hand controls: Allows the driver to perform all vehicle maneuvers and functions without the use of lower extremities.

Choosing the right features and working with a trained technician is imperative to safety behind the wheel. But of those drivers who do have a device, almost 90 percent reported that they did not work with a trained professional to install the modification, a key recommendation by both the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). AAA urged drivers to consult with a trained technician to guide them in making adjustments to their vehicle.

“When an ache or pain begins hindering driving ability, many older drivers are able to continue driving safely after making a few adjustments,” says Elin Schold Davis, project coordinator of the American Occupational Therapy Association’s Older Driver Initiative. “Occupational therapy practitioners trained in driving rehabilitation are especially valuable in connecting the dots between medical challenges that can affect driving and the appropriate equipment and adaptations needed to remain safely independent in the vehicle.”

AAA is promoting the report in partnership with the American Occupational Therapy Association (AOTA). The two organizations also worked with the American Society on Aging and AARP to develop CarFit, a program that will help senior drivers better utilize the features and technologies in their vehicle.

The community-based program allows trained professionals to conduct a quick, yet comprehensive 12-point check of a senior’s personal vehicle and make recommendations for needed adjustments or adaptations. Older drivers can sign up for an event online. AAA also offers the Smart Features for Older Drivers tool, which can help senior drivers identify in-expensive devices and vehicle features that optimize their comfort and safety. For more information, visit the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety, https://www.aaafoundation.org/.





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