Author: Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW

My First Marathon: 7 Essential Life-Lessons Learned at Age 66


After I finished writing my book <a“″>Mr. Mean: Saving Your Relationship from the Irritable Male Syndrome, I decided I needed […]

The World is Waking Up to Men’s Health: Good News for Men, Women, and Children


I’ve been working in the field of men’s health for more than 40 years. For much of that time, I’ve felt like a lone wolf calling out in the darkness for people to recognize that males live sicker and die sooner than females. We suffer from illnesses like addictions, depression, and Attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) at rates much higher than females. But over the years the balance has been shifting and now the world is waking up to the problems of men’s health and are ready to address solutions that are good for us all.

Why Our Minds Are Velcro for the Bad, but Teflon for the Good


Most everyone has at least one traumatic memory embedded in their brains. One that still resonates for me was the time my mother left me alone when I was six years old to take the baby sitter home. When I looked apprehensive, she told me not to worry. “I’ll be right back,” she said smiling brightly and drove off. As it got dark I became more and more frightened that something had happened to her and she wasn’t coming back. By the time she returned I was totally terrified. She found me standing outside wailing. She scolded me and took me inside.

5 Surprising Reasons a Good Relationship Is the Best Stress Reliever in the World


The stress response was our secret weapon for success through most of human history. It saved our lives, making us run from predators and enabling us to take down prey. The problem is that we are no longer responding to a wild animal attack that might occur once every six months, but instead we are dealing with hundreds of stresses every day. Human beings are turning on the same life-saving physical reaction to cope with aging parents, unhappy teenagers, costly gasoline, increasing food prices, traffic jams, and job insecurity.

My Father’s Stay at God’s Hotel: A Slow-Medicine Approach to Healing Mental Illness


It’s been a long journey to come to peace with my father’s life and how it has impacted my own. I was born on December 21, 1943 in New York City. My parents had tried to conceive for many years, but had been unsuccessful. They finally were successful when my father was 37 and my mother was 35 following a procedure where my father’s sperm was injected mother, a radical approach back then.

Heart Coherence: 3 Simple Steps for Reducing Stress and Living Well


I’ve always prided myself on having a healthy heart. When I’d have my yearly health checkups, the doctor always commented that I had the low blood pressure of an athlete. I do keep in good shape, but I haven’t considered myself an athlete since high school when I played basketball and wrestled.

7 Secrets for Saving Your Marriage And Living Joyfully Ever After


If you are married or are in a committed relationship, there are a few things I know are true. First, you want your relationship to be full of love, passion, and mutual support. Second, there are stresses that can pull the relationship apart. Third, you want to increase the good things in your marriage and decrease the bad. I want to help.

Love Insurance: How to Protect Your Most Valuable Asset


Most of us spend a considerable amount of money on car insurance to protect us in the event of an accident. We spend even more for health insurance to help pay for expenses should we get sick. We get life insurance to help our families after we are gone. But few of us even consider getting “Love insurance” to protect our relationship from small or catastrophic accidents that can befall us.

Male Menopause: No Longer a Myth, But a Medical Reality


My search to understand male menopause began in the early 1990s and was both personal and professional. Personally, I was nearing the age of 50 and my wife was telling me something was wrong. “You’re hormonal,” she told me. “It’s like you’re going through menopause or something.” At first I laughed at the idea. But professionally many of my male clients were experiencing prostate problems, erectile dysfunctions, anger, depression, and other symptoms that I was learning were related to the “change of life.”

Grounding (Earthing): The Easiest Way to Fight Stress


We all know that the world is becoming more stressful every day. We worry about the economy, another war in a place we’ve never heard of, our parents getting old and dying, the well-being of our children, our own health. Sometimes it seems like our lives are one endless series of stresses. The bad news is that stress is on the rise and it’s causing major problems for many of us. The good news is that there are simple ways to combat stress and get back in control of our lives.

Happily Ever After: 7 Secrets from The New Science of Love for Women and Men Over 50


My wife, Carlin, and I have been married now for nearly 35 years and our love life seems to be getting better and better through the years. But it hasn’t always been so. This is the third marriage for each of us and there were times in our marriage that we wondered why we were so miserable and whether we should stay together or call it quits. We became angry, depressed, and overstressed. We had sexual problems and were confused about how to improve things.

How to Love an Angry Man Part 4: Understanding Male Shame, Depression, and Dependency


For most of my life I haven’t understood my anger or why it was so often directed at the women in my life. I’ve been married three times. My first marriage lasted 10 years and ended in an acrimonious divorce. My second marriage began with extreme attraction and passion and luckily ended before one of us killed the other. I’m not talking metaphorically here.

How to Love an Angry Man: Part 3 – Help Him by Helping Yourself


I’ve been writing about angry men for some time now. That’s because I recognized how destructive anger can be in our relationships, but also how common it is. In my book, Stress Relief for Men: How to Use the Revolutionary Tools of Energy Healing to Live WellI describe the experiences that many people have living with an angry and abusive male:

How to Love an Angry Man: Part 2 – Dealing with Anger vs. Rage


Dear Dr. Jed, I’m worried about my husband. He’s angry all the time and blames me for everything that is wrong. He calls me names, yells at me, looks at me with such hatred, I want to disappear. He’s never hit me, but I’m afraid of him. He totally denies that there are any problems with him. When he gets mad he calls me a bitch and a lot worse and tells me I’m crazy and should be hospitalized. 

How to Love an Angry Man: Understanding and Helping Your Partner


We all get angry at times. When we feel we’re threatened we react with anger. But we know people who get overly angry or their anger causes problems with their relationships at home or at work. I was one of those people. I wrote two books about how it impacted me and how I learned to help myself and my clients:  The Irritable Male Syndrome: Understanding and Managing the 4 Key Causes of Depression and Aggression and Mr. Mean: Saving Your Relationship from The Irritable Male Syndrome.

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