Author: Jed Diamond, PhD, LCSW

The Secret of Life is One Thing: How to Be Successful at Love and Work


After spending his life helping people, the “father” of modern psychology and psychoanalysis made a simple observation:  “Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.” Most of us recognize that when things are going well at home and at work our lives are joyful. If our love life or our work life is stressful, we suffer.

The Myth of Mental Illness


A new Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is due out next year and there is renewed discussion about what constitutes a “mental illness.” One of the world’s leading psychiatrists is questioning the very concept of mental illness. “In non-psychiatric circles mental illness all too often is considered to be whatever psychiatrists say it is,” Dr. Z tells us. “The need to re-examine the problem of mental illness is both timely and pressing.

6 Little Known Secrets For A Lifetime of Passion and Love


Everyone wants a great sex life, but few people know how to achieve that goal and even fewer know how to maintain it in a long-term relationship. Couples try new positions and look for “sexy” things to wear. They try to improve their communication and relationship skills. But to really have a great sex life you have to know the secrets of what it means to be male and female.

Why the Next Big Frontier in Medicine is Energy Medicine


I first heard about Dr. Mehmet Oz in 2000 when I was writing my book The Whole Man Program: Reinvigorating Your Body, Mind, and Spirit After 40. Dr. Oz was one of the top heart surgeons in the world at New York Presbyterian Hospital/Columbia Medical Center. I wanted to find someone with the best scientific credentials to help me better understand heart disease so I could help other men. Dr. Oz was a wonderful resource. He is still one of the best surgeons in the world but he has since expanded his view of what constitutes good medicine.

Awaken Your Genius: How to Free Your Creativity and Manifest Your Dreams


Over the last 40 years I have been helping men, and the people who love them, to live well.  I’ve learned that we never heal alone.  There are always helpers and guides along the way that give us the love, support, and the wisdom we need to find our true selves and manifest our dreams.

Sex and Depression: A Gender-Specific Approach to Healing


Depression runs in my family. I became aware of that fact when my father took an overdose of sleeping pills when I was five years old. Growing up I had little understanding of what had happened or why he was hospitalized and disappeared from our lives. But I did grow up with a hunger to understand depression and a terror that I would become depressed myself and face my own suicidal demons.

6 Ways to Prevent Irritable Male Syndrome from Ruining Your Holidays


The time between Thanksgiving and New Years can be wonderfully joyful and it can also be stressful and irritating. Everyone can feel a bit overwhelmed with things to do, celebrations to attend, and family to please. Getting irritable occasionally is part of being human, but getting locked into a pattern of negativity and anger can cause problems for men and the families that love them. What Is Irritable Male Syndrome (IMS)?

5 Secrets for Saving Your Midlife Marriage


“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom, it was the age of foolishness, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to heaven, we were all going direct the other way.”  Charles Dickens could have been talking about mid-life when he wrote A Tale of Two Cities. 

Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget


“Men and women think differently, approach problems differently, emphasize the importance of things differently, and experience the world around us through entirely different lenses,” says Marianne J. Legato, M.D., Founder of the Foundation for Gender Specific Medicine and author of numerous books on men and women including, Why Men Never Remember and Women Never Forget.

Quick and Effective Ways to Deal with Chronic Pain Without Drugs


According to the American Academy of Pain Medicine, pain affects more Americans than diabetes, heart disease, and cancer combined. The list below shows the number of chronic pain sufferers compared to other major health conditions.  Chronic Pain 100 million Americans

7 Surprising Health Conditions That Affect Men More Than Women


Sex and gender differences are central to our lives. We all think about them, struggle with them, and seek to better understand them. From Professor Henry Higgins in My Fair Lady who lamented “Why can’t a woman be more like a man”; to Sigmund Freud who wondered “What do women really want?”; to our nursery rhymes which taught us to believe that “Little girls are made of sugar and spice and everything nice,” while “Little boys are made of snakes and snails and puppy-dogs tails”; to Charles Boyer who

The Two Secret Ingredients Most Men Lack That Keep Them From Becoming Healthy, Wealthy, and Wise


 “Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” This quote is often attributed to Benjamin Franklin since it appeared in his Poor Richard’s Almanack, though the idea was likely around much earlier. Most of us could use some help with our health, our money-flow, and our wisdom. There are many things that can help us achieve our goals, but I think there are two things that are vitally important, but are often neglected in our liv

7 Surprising Ways Sex Can Save You


Like most living things, I’m interested in sex. By sex I mean both the pleasurable act of sensual engagement as well as the reality that men are one sex and women are the other. Vive La Différence! As important as sex is in our lives, new findings from the emerging field of Gender-Specific Medicine (GSM) are changing our view of sex and health. What Is Gender-Specific Medicine? 

What Every Man, and Women Who Love Them, Should Know About Suicide


Most of us don’t want to think about suicide, but it is part of the human condition. When people reach such a point of despair that they attempt to take their own lives, everyone they know is impacted, including family, friends, and colleagues. I know. I am still living with the effect of my father’s attempted suicide when I was 5 years old.  

Male Menopause: How Women Can Deal with His Anger


Dear Dr. Jed, I read your book and I believe my husband is suffering from male menopause. He’s angry all the time and blames me for everything that is wrong. He calls me names, yells at me, looks at me with such hatred, I want to disappear. He’s never hit me, but I’m afraid of him. He totally denies that there are any problems with him. When he gets mad he calls me a bitch and a lot worse and tells me I’m crazy and should be hospitalized. 

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