Author: Liza Marshall

Liza Marshall is the co-author with her husband, Dr. John Marshall, of the memoir Off Our Chests: A Candid Tour Through the World of Cancer. Liza Marshall, a graduate of Duke University and the University of Virginia School of Law, practiced communications law until the mid-2000s. With two children and her husband building a demanding career as a nationally recognized oncologist, she retired from practice to manage her family and focus on volunteer work. Soon thereafter, she helped to found a cancer support organization, Hope Connections for Cancer Support in Bethesda, MD, and served on the board for nine years and as Board President from 2015 to 2017. She continues to serve in leadership roles with Hope Connections, her church, and in her community. As a sidelight, she became a Jeopardy champion in 1997. In 2006 when she was forty-three years old, she was diagnosed with triple-negative breast cancer, the most deadly form of breast cancer.

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