6 Steps To Creating Your Legacy

I was speaking at a ladies’ brunch last week, and my topic was “Creating Your Legacy,” which resonates with so many midlife women. It seems that, once we reach the empty-nest, career-burnout, suddenly-single stage in life, we begin to question how we can continue to leave our mark on the world aside from our legacies as moms, wives, career women and community volunteers. Too many believe that it’s all over, and their legacy is complete….to which I say “Not so!”

You were created with a beautiful purpose to fulfill, and equipped with a set of unique gifts, values and personality traits to support your life’s journey. There is no one like you! And just because you reach midlife and your primary roles are behind you doesn’t mean you can stop shining brightly. From this day forward, you are in control of creating the legacy you want to leave over the next 30-40 years. What will you be remembered for? Will you be able to look back at your life when you are 90 years old and say that you have no regrets?
Here are the six steps to consider when creating a plan for the next, best chapter of your life.

Learn who you really are and what matters to you most as you follow your true calling and design a vibrant life. The core of living a more meaningful, soul-driven life is knowing your life’s purpose, which is based on your unique traits and values. When you have clarity about your purpose, you can use it as your GPS to direct your future. Without it, you will be driving in circles with no direction, wasting precious time and energy instead of living with clarity and freedom.

Envision the life story you want to leave behind, You must know where you want to go before you can design your plan. Allowing yourself to dream big with no limitations will ensure that you reach the end of your days with no regrets. Think of it as writing a screenplay for an Oscar-winning movie about your life. What will your highlight reel show when your great-great-grandchildren are watching it after you are gone?

Give yourself permission to live an authentic life. If you are weighed down by fear, perfectionism and procrastination, you will never step out of your comfort zone, and you will be held captive by what the world dictates. Let the outside you reflect your true inner self instead of trying to be who you feel you should be. Just strive to be the best version of yourself.

Align your priorities with your purpose, giving you clear choices to do things that are fulfilling and support your vision, and the freedom to say “no” without guilt. The more you say no to the things that don’t support your purpose, the more free space you have to fill with the things you really want to do.

Create a plan to honor your purpose. Once you know your purpose and have a clear vision for the legacy you want to leave behind, you must take action. Set long and short-term goals, and have at least one accountability partner to encourage you and keep you on track.

Your plan in action provides clarity, direction and ease. No more feeling invisible or used up, no more driving in circles with no place to go. This is your time to be you as you follow your heart’s desires with confidence and commitment.

What life story will you leave behind for your heirs? What will they share about you long after you are gone?

Susan Tolles is a Certified Christian Life Purpose Coach and the founder of flourishover50.com.

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