A Day Without Screens

Televisions, laptop, cellphone and my Kindle.  I think I spend way too much time looking into them.  Last week I decided to take an entire break from all screens – for one day.

I waited for Kevin to leave for work on that morning. I turned off the television and shut down my telephone and computer.  I actually read inspirational books versus the many I have downloaded on my Kindle and then began my daily routine. 

OK.   Now what?  This is usually the time I begin picking up a screen.

I convinced myself my Kindle was not technically a screen but immediately felt guilty; of course it is.   I was getting ready to shut it off when I noticed a meditation app I installed months ago but had been too busy to try.  I clicked the button and followed the instructions of getting comfortable.   It took me a while to ignore the car horns and traffic outside, but I slowly felt myself relaxing.  And then I turned it off.

I enjoyed the remainder of my day and took my dog for a nice walk, phoned a few friends versus my normal texting and emails, and made dinner. Before I knew it, Kevin was home.

I have to admit I smiled when I turned the devices on the next morning to see a few missed calls and texts. At the same time, I realized I need to use my devices in a healthier way. I get way too hooked and distracted.

There are many good things about my screens. They give me comfort and uplift my spirit. A lot of people say that cyber friends are not real. I beg to differ. Through the years I have experienced fantastic conversations with like-minded women who share my interests. We have not actually met, but we encourage each other on a daily basis.  I have received countless messages of comfort and emails checking if I am OK if I shut down for a few days. Those words meant a lot to me!!

Still, I now remove social media from my cellphone every few days.  (Don't get nervous. You can do it too; it is easy to re-install!!).  I know it may not look like it to my friends, but I really am making an effort to put it down more often and enjoy the company I am actually with.

Just last night I attended a beautiful dinner dance and did not bring even my phone. I literally laughed, sang and danced the night away.  I enjoyed a beautiful Saturday with Kevin, shopping, running errands and no phone.  I am learning to enjoy the moment more often.

And I hate to admit it, but things got done much faster without the distraction of the bings and bangs of my cellphone announcing an email, text or social media comment. 

I now take more breaks from my screens on a daily basis.  Still, I will never forget all the love I receive from my screens, and I will never give them up. And my tote bag is going to be way lighter when I board the plane for Atlanta in three weeks having all my favorite reads on my kindle.  Screens when used in a balanced and healthy way are wonderful!

I love writing, sharing and posting things and I will continue to do so.  Just today I received a social media comment on a post I wrote saying thanks for the inspiration.

That is what it is about. I am so grateful for my screens – and my time away from them.

Donna Vesel Ryan, a frequent blogger for ThirdAge, is the founder and editor of the blog www.50plusstickingtogether.com. Click here to read more of her work.

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