Are You in Love With Your Career?

Often in midlife, a woman reaches an important crossroads in her career. She has been in a professional role for many years and finds herself feeling frustrated and unfulfilled, realizing that success now has a different meaning than when she began her journey. No longer is it all about the title, money and having “more.”  Instead, her heart leads her with a deep desire to create a rich legacy in the next chapter of her life. This changing perspective causes her to reflect, refocus and create a new plan for a more purpose-filled career, often leaving the corporate grind to start her own business.

Does this sound familiar? Are you ready to take a giant leap out of that comfortable, yet draining, career to serve the world doing something you truly love?

My most recent new clients fit this description. One has been in the corporate world for over 30 years and is ready to be her own boss. She is tired of pouring herself into a job that has “flat-lined,” and wants to experience the exhilaration of creating something new that aligns with her core passions. Another is considering selling a business she built from scratch to free her up for a move to the mountains, one of her lifelong dreams. And another is struggling with the sale of her company to another entity that does not align with her core values. Each of these women are experiencing a bit of fear a they embark on a new journey, but each is more excited about what lies ahead than they have been in years!

Here are three key elements to building a new career that makes your heart sing.

Preciousness. What makes you special? What are the unique gifts, core values and personality traits that make you you? Digging deep to unearth your true passions is essential to knowing what traits will support your new journey.  Also, realizing what you don’t have is just as important so you can let go of the “should have” category and focus on your strengths.

Purpose. You were created with a purpose to fulfill in life, and equipped with those gifts to make you successful in living it. Your core purpose doesn’t change, but it does take on a different “picture” throughout various stages of your life. As you transition out of one career to another, knowing your core purpose will help you identify your why—the reason you want to pursue your new role, not just the steps to getting there. If you are embarking on an entrepreneurial path, translating your personal purpose in to the mission for your business is essential. It will keep you motivated and on track, knowing you are using your gifts and skills for their highest and best use as you let your brilliance shine in the world.

Plan. Based on your preciousness and purpose, your plan takes you to new heights, but in manageable steps to avoid overwhelm. When you are doing something that you are truly passionate about and following your purpose, you want to change the world! But it can’t happen overnight. Spend some time writing a vivid description of where you want to be in five years, or one year if that seems too daunting. Let your purpose be your guide, knowing that you are capable of accomplishing anything you set your mind on because you have already been equipped for success! Use that vision statement to set your goals, and create your strategic plan based on your top priorities.

Loving your career means passionately following your dreams instead of settling for the status quo. It means living in alignment with your purpose, using your unique gifts to make a big impact on the world. And it means taking a leap of faith to create a life that is meaningful and exciting.

The time has never been better to fulfill your heart’s desires through the work you do! Embrace your preciousness, discover your purpose and begin creating your plan today!

If you need a navigator for your new journey, I’d love to come alongside you as your guide! Click here to schedule a 30-minute complimentary Clarity Session today, and let’s explore the possibilities!

Susan Tolles is a Certified Christian Life Purpose Coach. To learn more about her work, click here.



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