Back to School After 50?

I work with many women who are experiencing career burnout, entering the empty nest, or recently divorced, and who are looking for a new way to be productive, fulfilled and financially stable. Often they ask “Should I go back to school?” Or “Is it too late for me to finish my college degree?”
Let me first address that word should. Many of us live our lives in accordance with what we think we should be doing, not what we want to do. From the time we are young adults, we are following recommendations from well-meaning people who think they know what we should do to be successful, without considering the God-given purpose that each of us have. We follow the world’s “should” regarding our appearance, diet and ways to find happiness. It’s time to quit “should-ing´ on yourself and follow what your soul tells you to do!

When considering a return to school, ask yourself these tough questions.

Am I really clear on exactly what I want to do in the next chapter of my working life? It is critical to begin with self-evaluation of where you want to go, not where you think you should be going now. Do you want to do something totally new? Do you want to return to a career you loved, but took a break from as you were a full-time mom? Do you have dreams that were set on the back burner years ago that you want to fulfill? Spend some time visioning where you want to be five years from now, and let that be your guide.

In your crystal-clear vision, what natural gifts and learned skills will you use to be successful? You have a set of unique God-given gifts that set you apart from others. When you are using those gifts, you feel alive and productive, so capitalize on them, and add to them the skills needed to support your new vision. If these are “old” skills, you might need to take a refresher course to brush up. If what you want to do requires you to learn something totally new, then consider coursework that is specifically related to those skills. For example, several of my clients have dreamed of writing books. They didn’t go back to college, but instead enrolled in online writing academies to hone their skills.

Do you have what it takes to go back to school? Going back to the classroom requires discipline and hard work. Are you prepared to invest many hours of your time and energy at this stage of your life? Do you have what it takes to write research papers, take major exams and participate in team projects? Are you prepared to finish once you commit? College isn’t like it used to be! Even community colleges are highly competitive now.
If you are excited about returning to school after thoughtfully answering these questions, approach college life with a clear plan. Know why you are there, what you will study, and when you will finish your course work. Consider a technical school or online courses that are specific to your interests or needs.

Explore certifications that are easier to acquire than a college degree, such as becoming a certified life coach, virtual assistant or image consultant. Enlist the help of a coach or mentor who can guide you, and surround yourself with family and friends who will be your cheerleaders and accountability partners.

Then, congratulate yourself for taking a courageous step toward reaching higher and doing more in your life after 50! You will certainly be an inspiration to others.

Susan Tolles is the founder of, a life-coaching and inspirational website to help women on their life’s journey.

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