Bring Me a Higher Love!

Everywhere I go I meet so many interesting and COOL older singles who are losing hope in ever finding true love again.

My words to you are: DON’T GIVE UP!

By running a dating service for older singles, I learned that there are SO MANY COOL adults looking for love later in life. More than you would EVER possibly imagine.

Your best proof that you could meet someone great TODAY is this simple fact: You are single and look how amazing you are!  There must be others just like you wondering what is the best way to connect with others.

Too many of us have become jaded and cynical in the face of love.  I believe it is now time to err on the side of optimism.

Have you ever heard the expression “Whatever you focus on grows”? Instead of giving up in your own mind and heart, instead of convincing yourself to lose hope, try putting your heart and soul behind the idea that the love of your life is JUST AROUND THE CORNER.

I know of what I speak. NOBODY could have convinced me that I was about to meet the man I had been hoping to meet my whole life the day I met Mike nine years ago. But I decided to put my heart and soul out there and see what happened.

First of all, I started my own dating service. There I spent lots of time interviewing eligible women and men. I even took what felt like a gigantic risk by calling a past lover to clear out my own love drainpipes from past disappointment and pain.

How could you prepare to meet the love of your life today? How could you focus more positively on how it will feel when you KNOW you’ve just met THE ONE?  How could you work today on removing all the obstacles in your own brain and heart to believing that this could really happen?

I have a suggestion. Before I met Mike, I made a point of listening to music that was totally positive about love. I saw it as a sign when great love songs came on the radio. Music is one way to control your unconscious brain waves and convince yourself to feel positive again.

I can highly recommend most Stevie Wonder songs, but my own personal favorite is: BRING ME A HIGHER LOVE!  by Steve Winwood.  In fact his whole album “BACK IN THE HIGH LIFE” is the essence of positive love vibes.

Make some small investment today in your future happiness! Surround yourself with music that makes you feel great —  you know, the way it feels when you know you’ve just met the one!

“Without music, life would be a mistake.”   –  F. Nietzsche

Laura Lee Carter, MA Counseling Psychology, the writer behind the popular online magazine Midlife Crisis Queen,has been helping others turn midlife difficulties into opportunities for personal change since 2007. Besides working as a psychotherapist, Laura Lee has authored a number of books and e-books on midlife transformation.  Don’t miss her new book: Find Your Reason to Be Here: The Search for Meaning in Midlife.Follow her on Twitter: @midlifequeen


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