Dancing with Fear and Doubt

Since the beginning of the year, I have shifted my focus a bit to enable me to boldly use my true God-given gifts and strengths . As I have deepened my faith-walk, allowing myself to take another giant leap out of what had become comfortable, I have also had days when I have doubted my new journey as The Reinvention Strategist for Professional Christian Women.

Can I really do this? Am I good enough? What right do I have to be coaching professional women when I was out of the workforce for so long?

Answer: it is my heart's desire, my calling, and I have been fully equipped for it.

As I was digging deep to uncover my own best strengths, my wonderful coach Joy Chudacoff reminded me that “fear is a natural partner to creativity.”  If we continue to reach for our God-given potential—living out our life’s purpose—instead of settling for mediocre, there will always be times of self-doubt. If we push our limits and stretch our faith, we learn to believe in ourselves as we lean on God, because our calling is what we were created to do. If we aren't experiencing fear occasionally, we aren't growing.

There are times in our lives when we must take a giant step out of what is comfortable toward our greater brilliance. Career burnout brings a deep desire to find a vocation that is more meaningful and that aligns with our heart’s desires. Divorce means starting over, with both fear and hope as the road map for a new future is designed. A health crisis brings the sudden realization that life is precious, and every day should be spent relishing in God’s abundant blessings.

Transition of any kind can be scary, but what lies ahead is a time of renewal if you have the confidence to dream big and step out in faith to  become the amazing woman you were created to be.

Are you at a crossroads? Are you sensing a time of change, but not sure what direction to take? Dig deep, let your heart guide you, believe in yourself and don’t allow your fears to extinguish your light. You were created to shine! And the time has never been better than now to ignite your dreams.

If you need a navigator for your new journey, I'd love to be there for you!

May you shine brightly, today and always!

 Susan Tolles is a Certified Christian Life Purpose Coach. To read more about her work of helping women find their life’s purpose, visit http://theflourishinglife.today/

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