Do It

Fear is the thief of happiness and sometimes we have to get the courage to Just Do It.

Ever since her first seizure many years ago a close relative held onto the dream of the medical world finding a cure. She has patiently gone through countless procedures and medications and before going into the operating room for what she prays will be the answer, she hugged her mother and admitted her fear. But, bravely, she was doing it.

Time will tell if this was the cure, but she’s not worried as she moves on with life in her positive and cheerful way.

A day or two after her surgery I came across this poem from comedian Amy Poehler:

I want to be around people who do things.

I don’t want to be around people any more that judge or talk about what they do.

I want to be around people who dream and support and do things.

Shortly after reading this, I received a message that a close Facebook acquaintance passed away from pancreatic cancer. Our friendship was through typed words on our screens and photographs of our lives, but I felt such sadness because I met her through those black and white lines every few days. There was not a post I ever wrote that she did not give me a thumbs up or an upbeat comment for, and her photographs of a life lived to the fullest brings a tear to my eye as I type.

I know this poem was sent to me by her. She was the type of person who wanted to be around people who do things. She was a sympathetic listener and advisor and never judged or spoke ill of others. She encouraged to dream and gave support to not only myself but countless others from many corners of our world. She wasn’t famous like Amy Poehler, but she shared the gift of humor and the understanding that smiles are understood in every language. Her face lit up many lives every day.

I was not surprised that she kept the details of her illness from many of us; speaking of death would be taking minutes away from the life she loved living. Her message to me was laughter is much more pleasant during uncertain times than crying. Crying and fear keeps us stuck where laughter gives us the Do It confidence. Ambitious and enthusiastic people have the Do It mentality and do not give up on dreams.

I thank my special relative for the permission to use her as an example of being brave and doing it and I hope to learn to have the courage and determination she has. I love her dearly and am blessed to have her in my life.

I send love to a dear friend who is fighting cancer but shares her huge bright smile with the world each day as she is doing it. She is another inspiration and I love her as well as her husband and son very much.
I love all of the brave women in my life who are not letting fear stop them from happiness and from doing what they want to do in their lives.

My dear friend was a fan of my writing and when I experienced doubtful times I would get messages of Do It. I will hold the memory and cherish her words, kindness and love and she will always be remembered. I know the angels are surrounding her and she is dreaming, supporting and doing things above.

Let us make today the day we do It! Let us not let fear take precious minutes we need to spend living. Let us hold onto one another and dream, support and do.

Read more of Donna Ryan’s work on her blog,

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