How to Make Your Own Wishes Come True in 2018

The candle on your cake is a ‘symbol’ of a wish

Under my husbands and my mattress are 27 years of stockpiled birthday and anniversary blown-out candles. Each candle represents a wish. They are in every color of the rainbow. Someone told me years back to always save my candles (my wishes) because it was a way of making my wish come true. So, being somewhat superstitious, I have all of our blown-out candles, each laden with a wish, tucked underneath my side of our bed. Even though I am a woman over 50 who knows you have to work at making a wish come true, I love knowing I am sleeping on top of 27 years of my husband’s and my wishes.

How many of my wishes came true? Several. Wishing on candles has pushed my wishful thoughts into the forefront of my mind allowing me to think hard about a strong desire; often not easily attainable.

My wish for you darlings is to make an important wish for 2018 and …see it through.

Steps to make your wishes come true in 2018

A wish will not come true by wishing on your birthday candle or upon a star. The candle is nothing more than a wishing symbol. I know you know that. My wishes come true when I am optimistic, hardworking, and have clarity.

Daydream: I daydream about my wish. The ‘dream process,’ eventually, after much thinking, encourages me to take action. I don’t act hastily because it takes me time to figure out my course of action; always thinking positive about the wish. Define in detail your wish.

Optimism: It has been proven that optimistic women are able to turn their dreams into goals; their positivity provides them with the opportunity to think upbeat and turn her goal into her reality because they are happy and thriving women. The optimistic woman goes after her wish, sees it as possible and concludes, “I can make my wish come true.” And most often she does have success.

Work with clarity: Make your plan with clarity. If you are excited and happy with the outcome of your plan you are on track.

Devote yourself: Now it is time to pursue your wish. Your wish can involve other people but the wish has to be controlled by you.

The year 2017 is almost over. Here are a few of my wishes I worked on with optimism and clarity, devoting myself to my plan and working hard so I could make my wish come true.

I brought under ‘my roof.’ I did not want an outside company helping me run the site any longer. I wanted my own team responsible only to me. This was a very difficult emotional choice because change is very hard. Timing was in my favor. A young woman I knew was suddenly free from her past position. She knew me. She handled my site at a company where she had worked. We were in sync. I leaped at the opportunity to have her by my side. My wish was granted because of timing (luck,) optimism and clarity.

I hired an assistant. This was on my mind for almost the entire year. I knew I needed a person who ‘got me,’ would be my voice; my clone. I finally found her. A woman who knew our family for years, a specialist in many areas, a woman I could trust to take over the tasks that were difficult for me, a woman who would save me time. It took me 11 months. I daydreamed about this wish and devoted myself to finding the right person.

In my personal life, my husband and I decided it was time to put our home in the desert up for sale.

Think about the wishes you dreamed of and wished to come true in 2017. Did you work hard to make those wish(es) come true? If you did, add a new wish(es) to your 2018 plan. If you did not really set your focus, continue to plow ahead.

All wishes take our effort. Positive actions create positive effects. You are in the driver’s seat. All wishes are really goals. Nothing good happens by accident. Reached goals have a profound and positive effect on your lifestyle. You walk taller, you think clearer, you smile more often. You are happy and self-satisfied.

Susan “Honey” Good is the founder of where this blog originally appeared. The site is a collection of lessons learned, life advice and insights from not only her, but from a fantastic group of contributing writers, each adding their own spice to the recipe. Honey representing “a family tree of women” — wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law, sisters, aunts, cousins and girlfriends — coming together to talk about what makes them tick as well as what they have in common. Honey Good discusses life experiences with wisdom, humor and intellect, enabling all to attain a “Honey Good Style of Life.”

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