Life is About Creating Yourself (At Any Age)

You’ve probably heard it said that life isn’t about finding yourself but that life is about creating yourself. And the wiser I get, I can’t help but agree.

As I was looking back on another busy week here at, whether our community discussed how our faith has shaped us, how to create financial sustainability for our future selves, or how to practice kindness every day to better the lives of not only ourselves but everyone around us, it became more and more apparent that we really can be whoever we want to be, darlings. It’s never too late to chase those dreams, to create better habits, to forgive those grudges you’ve been holding onto, or even to scoop up that pair of new spring shoes you’ve been saving for. Let’s be the people we’d always hoped to be… starting today. As vibrant and visible women over 50, we are strong enough to change direction if that’s what our hearts are telling us to do. We just can’t be afraid to listen. If you need a little inspiration to get started, here is the week in review.

How Faith Changes Everything

Last weekend, millions of us around the world gathered with our families to celebrate Easter and Passover. To all my Christian and Jewish friends, I hope you had a very gratifying and heartfelt holiday with your families and friends. On Sunday, I hesitated before putting my fingers on the keys of my keyboard to muse about religion. But then I reconsidered because I believe gaining insight into every practiced religion is exciting and can be beneficial. See what I shared about my own faith and what it’s taught me throughout my life.

Creating Financial Sustainability for Yourself

These days, no matter what the topic, the talk is all about sustainability. In regard to financial sustainability, there are three legs to the stool: income, spending, and investments. Let’s dive into each! Financial independence is one of the best things you could do for yourself and – without sounding dramatic – for the world. Once you are no longer a wage slave and on the treadmill of working and consuming, then you have the freedom, in both time and money, to contribute to those less fortunate than you. Being self-sustaining often creates the by-product of consuming less and enjoying more; this is a beneficial goal no matter what age you accomplish it.

Beauty Dos and Don’ts

It’s often said that women want it all but, truth be told, I think we secretly want less… think fewer crow’s feet, fewer sunspots, and fewer vertical lip lines. Instead of banning the use of magnifying mirrors, this week I challenged you to embrace aging gracefully while taking advantage of simple and subtle beauty tips that can help you look younger, healthier and happier no matter your age. Here were my top beauty dos and don’ts for women over 50.

Are You Fluent in Kindness?

Kindness is such a staple in my life. In fact, some days I think it makes my world go round entirely, whether I’m showing it, on the receiving end, or witnessing it out in public, kindness always keeps me going. And for that, I’m so grateful. It’s a superpower we all have, and it only makes others’ lives better when we put it into motion. Don’t you agree, darlings? And better yet, kindness is a universal language. I have been all around the world, and while language barriers can be a challenge to overcome, every person I’ve met understands an act of kindness. We all speak it, so let’s put it into practice every day. This week I shared tips on how to do just that; you can read about them here.

Susan “Honey” Good is the founder of where this blog originally appeared. The site is a collection of lessons learned, life advice and insights from not only her, but from a fantastic group of contributing writers, each adding their own spice to the recipe. Honey representing “a family tree of women” — wives, mothers, daughters, granddaughters, mothers-in-law, daughters-in-law, sisters, aunts, cousins and girlfriends — coming together to talk about what makes them tick as well as what they have in common. Honey Good discusses life experiences with wisdom, humor and intellect, enabling all to attain a “Honey Good Style of Life.”

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