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Co-Parenting Tips Every Divorcing Couple Needs to Know

It’s well known that nearly half of all marriages in the country end in divorce. The rate is even higher for subsequent marriages.

What many people are not as focused on are the children involved and how to best go about co-parenting in a way that will help them grow into well adjusted adults. July is National Child-Centered Divorce Month, making it an ideal time to place the focus of divorce on the children, and what can be done to help ensure they come out of the situation in healthy manner.

Divorce may seem like it’s something between the adults, but it is really something impacts the whole family. In a study published in the journal The Linacre Quarterly, researchers shared their findings of reviewing three decades worth of research regarding the impact of divorce on the health of children. Their research found that divorce has been shown to diminish a child’s future competence in all areas of life, including family relationships, education, emotional well-being, and future earning power. Parents can help to counter the negative impact that divorce has on the children by focusing on effective co-parenting that will help ensure their success throughout life.

Children who see their parents continuing to work together are more likely to learn how to effectively and peacefully solve problems themselves. They will also have a healthy example to follow. It’s important for parents to remember that their feelings about their ex does not, and should not, dictate their behavior. It’s better to focus on being a positive example, putting a child’s well being in the spotlight.


Here are some tips that will help with ensuring co-parenting success:

Commit to making co-parenting an open dialogue with your ex. Arrange to do this through email, texting, voicemail, letters, or face-to-face conversations.

Put your child’s well-being in the spotlight.

The key is consistency. Rules don’t have to be exactly the same between the two households, but you and your ex should establish generally consistent guidelines. They should be mutually agreed upon for both households. For example, meal time, bed time, and completing homework need to be consistent. This helps create a sense of belonging and creates a sense of security and predictability for children. Discuss and come to an agreement about each of these issues.

Agreement is also important for behavioral guidelines, rewards, and consequences, so there is consistency in a child’s life, regardless of which parent they’re with at any given time. Research shows that children in homes with a unified parenting approach have greater well-being.

Keep in mind that children will frequently test boundaries and rules, especially if there’s a chance to get something they may not ordinarily be able to obtain. That’s why a united front in co-parenting is recommended.

Be flexible and update often as needed if your circumstances change. If there are changes at home, in your life, it is important that your child is never the primary source of information.

Speak in positive language about your ex. Remember,  the marriage itself is the issue, not the parenting style. Each of you has valuable strengths as a parent. Remember to recognize the different traits you and your ex have – and reinforce this awareness with your children.

Children exposed to conflict between co-parents are more likely to develop issues such as depression, anxiety, or ADHD. Keeping this in mind, strive to keep conflict around them to a minimal or none at all.

Keep the conversations with your offspring child-focused. This will leave out problems that you and your ex have with each other. The focus now needs to be on the children.

Effective and healthy co-parenting may be difficult at first and it make time some time to work everything out. But getting this part right in the long run is going to have a huge positive impact on your children, so it’s worth it. Also, don’t be afraid to reach out for professional help to put a plan together or determine how to best put co-parenting into action.

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