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How to Reduce Stress and Boost Your Immune System While Social Distancing

Social Distancing

Social Distancing

As social distancing becomes our new normal during COVID-19, the pressures may be overwhelming. There are challenges finding childcare and keeping necessities stocked, never mind keeping yourself safe at work and out in the world. And how much disinfectant is enough, anyway? We all need to think about practical coping strategies while dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. Click through for suggestions.

COVID-19 Facts

COVID-19 Facts

Use facts and precautions to manage your fear. The unknown can be scary and can overwhelm us. Fear can inflate negative thoughts, which leads to unhealthy stress. Ongoing stress releases hormones that get us ready for emergencies, but also severely depress our immune systems.1 Combat this fear by acting on facts, not misinformation. Look at the statistics and the real numbers of infections being reported by the Centers for Disease Control and local/national officials. You can tackle fear by facing it head-on with facts and smart precautions like handwashing, disinfecting surfaces, and social distancing.

Social Media and TV Time

Social Media and TV Time

Be smart about social and TV time. Social media platforms can cause incredible anxiety as rumors and misinformation spread on them. Limit time on social media, and don’t instigate hysteria by reposting unvetted information. Limit your children’s exposure to television news. Their perspective is different than adults’, and they will have difficulty processing the facts. Children also notice our emotional state, so try to stay calm and provide facts to help them understand the situation and how everyone can get through this together.

Be Sure to Exercise

Be Sure to Exercise

Get some physical exercise. Exercise your body to help keep your mind in check. In fact, aerobic exercise is as important for your head as it is for your heart. It has a unique capacity to exhilarate and relax, provide stimulation and calm, as well as counter depression and dissipate stress.2 So, take a walk, a run, or even tune in to one of the thousands of free online yoga, meditation or workout videos. Dust off your weight bench and take the laundry off the treadmill. Get on it. Use it.

Reach Out to Others

Reach Out to Others

Help each other. Social distancing does not mean you shouldn’t seek and give support. The upside to social media is that we truly are more connected than ever before. Find out who needs help and offer it, in a way that keeps everyone safe and cared for. Even with social distancing, you can drop off medicine or supplies to a neighbor or friend. Call your church or check in with your online groups to find out who needs a meal that can be left on their doorstep, or a prescription delivered. And of course, if you bought lots of “bulk extras,” maybe spare a few food or household items for those who weren’t able to stock up. Be creative to ensure our social distancing doesn’t lead to emotional distancing for those most in need.

Limit Poor Nutritional Choices

Limit Poor Nutritional Choices

Limit poor nutritional habits that weaken your immune system. One habit to curb is eating or drinking more than 100 grams (8 tbsp) of sugar a day . That much sugar reduces your white blood cells’ ability to kill germs by 40%! Also limit your alcohol intake as studies show that three or more alcoholic drinks daily is enough to suppress your immunity.

Seek Professional Help If Necessary

Seek Professional Help If Necessary

If anxiety or stress interfere with your ability to function or care for yourself or your family, seek professional help. Telemedicine may be a good option now. Check in with your personal physician, contact your company-sponsored Employee Assistance Program (EAP) if you have one, or call a support line like the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) or Crisis Text Line by texting “start” to 741-741.

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