Mental & Emotional Health

7 Ways to Become A Positive Thinker

While it may seem as if good things just seem to happen to ‘good’ people and the good life seems to be easier for some to attain, than others, here’s some good news.

These people don’t simply “get lucky”. Instead, they’re proactive in the way they live their lives. They’ve made a choice: to take deliberate action, avoiding what often becomes the chaos of reacting. And the experiences they create begin with the thoughts they think.

How does the positive thinker create the good life just by thinking differently?

Positive thoughts naturally lead to positive feelings.

Positive feelings lead to positive emotions.

Positive emotions then promote positive behaviors.

Positive behavior creates positive outcomes.

A real example of applying these proactive steps could look something like this:

You’re thinking about how wonderful spending some quality time with a person you love could be. Of course, just thinking about the time you’ll spend together brings about positive thoughts. These thoughts, in turn, lead to positive feelings and emotions (such as love or joy) and in experiencing these emotions, you are more inclined to behave in ways that align with those positive feelings. You may become more supportive, affectionate, loving or compassionate as a result. As you become more supportive or compassionate, you find you have more to give, behaving in a manner that expresses your compassion, saying and doing nice things out of your place of feeling good!

What Positive Thinkers Do

Positive thinkers become positive ‘doers’. Any random act of kindness by you (whether words or deeds) may just be the catalyst that another person needs for their own difficult day to be changed into a good one. Your kind and positive word or gesture enables them to view life from a different and possibly better perspective. While the immediate outcome is that you’ve helped another person smile, feel valued or appreciated, the more extended outcome will be their own experience with more positive thoughts, which will turn into positive feelings, emotions, behaviors… allowing the cycle to continue. Imagine! An entire scenario like this, made possible from your positive thoughts!

Why Positive Thinkers Create the Good Life

You have thousands of thoughts throughout the course of a typical day. Can you see the potential power of the positive thinker to change, not only their life, but also the lives of others?

The Good Life doesn’t have to be an elusive dream experience by only a few “lucky ones”. The good life is within the reach of anyone who wants it. Here are seven proactive tips for creating yours:

Retrain Negative Thinking: Counter every negative thought with something more positive. For example, “I’m so fat” is countered with “I’m making healthy choices every day.”

Show More Gratitude: Acknowledge, validate and appreciate all that you have. Recognize how blessed you are and show appreciation for all that is yours – all that you have, as well as all that is to come!

Read and View Positive Sources: Seek ideas and inspiration from inspirational gurus, teachers, thought leaders and mentors. Study how others create a positive outlook and learn from their examples for managing your own difficult situations, turning obstacles into opportunities and using adversity as a stepping-stone to achieve what you want most.

Pursue the Company of Positive People: Just as another’s laughter can be infectious, the positive thoughts, emotions and feelings from positive thinkers and doers are equally infectious. Time spent with positive people is not just more fun, it’s powerful!

Believe in More: Believe that a good life is yours! Believe that you can be a more positive thinker. Becoming a positive thinker is determined by what you believe you can or can’t do. Creating your own positive life begins with your personal, positive thoughts and actions.

Laugh as Often as Possible: Laughter not only feels good, it’s good for your health! Studies show that laughter promotes the release of “feel good” chemicals within your body, which helps to strengthen the immune system. Just one more positive reason to lighten up and have more fun!

Positively Control Your Thinking: While there are many things you can’t control in life, the reality is you can always control your reactions to them. An unfortunate situation can be a minor bump in the road – or complete devastation – depending on your perspective and ability to think positively. There is no such thing as perfect – no person, place or thing – but you can perfect the way you think about everything. Control your thinking and you’ll be on your way to positively changing your life, for good!

There will always be opportunities for angry reactions and unpleasant thoughts, but you can choose to be happier by becoming a more positive thinker. The choice to pursue the good life is always yours and you never know just how many other lives you will positively touch along the way!

Debi Silber, MS, RD, WHC, FDN The Mojo Coach®, President of Lifestyle Fitness, Inc. and founder of, is a recognized health, weight loss, fitness, wellness, lifestyle and self improvement expert. Specifically, she’s a Registered Dietitian with a Master’s in Nutrition, a Certified Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach (health expert trained to teach how your lifestyle creates health/wellness or illness/disease) a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner, has 2 certifications in pre/post natal fitness with Specialty Recognition in the areas of weight loss and weight maintenance. To learn more about Debi’s work, visit and



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